A Little Blogging, A Lot of Embroidery

Today in my email I found my weekly newsletter from ArtBiz and the fabulous Alyson Stanfield (http://www.artbizblog.com) about having a fire in your belly for your work and your blog. Lately I have been immersing myself in embroidery, inspiration, blogging and promoting my work(actually the promoting my work is the hardest part and a big part of Alyson's blog for this week).

Embroidery wise I finished the front of the hand bag and will show you the finished project asap. I've been making lots of sketches and can't wait to start my next project. I'm trying to get a little looser with the sketches and trying to change things up enough for a change but not so much that I lose my style. Trying to incorporate different stitches and colors and contrasts. I've been embroidering a lot(I reward myself with embroidery every time I do something domestic win/win situation).

Inspiration and blogging sort of go hand in hand. I love to visit the blogs of other artists and read about their process and their artistry. Bonnie Samuels had a lovely blog the other day which highlighted three wonderfully artistic fiber artists. So exciting. And my wonderful blog friends on the side of my blog also inspire me and maybe light a match under my behind to get to work and get myself out there. They also inspire me spiritually, nurture my love of beauty and give me much needed support when I need it. Whenever I really need just a wee bit of support I come to my blog and find it in the comments of others. It's great really, especially if you are a solitary artist(which most artists are). I've also been reading inspirational and spiritual books and watching Ovation TV and movies. The other day I watched the Graduate(which I saw when I was 10 years old at the drive in with my parents with Carnal Knowledge of all things, my mom thought it was Cardinal Knowledge, love that story) and was taken by how artistically beautiful the Graduate is. The camera angles the music. Fascinating. I'd watched it again a few years ago but didn't appreciate it's artistic beauty.

And promoting my work well I've been doing that too and have a few things going on but not anything definite yet so we'll move on. I realize the idea that I have to be more enthusiastic about promoting my work which is the hardest part of what I do. I'm a people person, always have been, always will be. I once worked for a lady who told me I could sell ice to a snowman, but for some reason when it comes to my work I fumble my words, I break out in a cold sweat and either say too much about my work or too little about my work. I'm trying to work on that as a spiritual practice because my work isn't really about me but my relationship with the universe but it isn't as easy to say that to someone in person as it is to put it out there on my blog. So there it is.

I think I have the fire in my belly. Do you? If not read the blog mentioned in the first sentence and sign up for Alyson's newsletter. Happy Stitching.

I was going to start a completely new blog entry on this and I will expand on it tomorrow(I love to have a ready made topic) but both Sybil from Painter of Blue and Lynda Lehman from Peripheral Visions have lovely inspirational interviews on Abbey of the Arts(Sybil) and Creativity Portal(lynda). So inspiring and wonderful please read them.


Judy Olson said…
The Graduate is a very visually beautiful movie, and S & G's score is PERFECT! One of my favorite movies that I left off my favorite movie list. Fire in the belly?? All I've got today is smoke in the space where my brain sometimes is!
Phyllis said…
This piece is really looking great. Keep on stitching! I want to explore the sites you mentioned. You are right...when one needs inspiration it helps to see what other creative people are doing and how they are getting through the day-to-day duties while staying inspired at the seam time.
Elizabeth said…
Remember when I wrote my first email to you. I stated that if I looked further we had a lot more in common.
Well, you explanation about promoting your own work, how difficult it is to explain the spiritual sides of things, being home by yourself without creative partners and the win-win situation are just me.

Just so happy that I'm not alone.
would love to do a quilting bee with you all!
Tangled Stitch said…
Me too Ascender to the quilting bee! Phyllis, I am so glad you feel that way I am totally inspired by your work and your words. Judy as always my buddy, I"m a little smoky myself today. Elizabeth, it always amazes me when I read other people's blogs just how the artistic heart speaks to us all. I think artists in general look at things in a completely different way then the rest of the world. Thank God!
I know what you mean about promoting your own work, it can be a real challenge for so many reasons - good luck with it!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Wow, Debra! Sorry I haven't been over in awhile. Sounds like your wheels are really turning and you're right in there with the process.

I agree that we inspire and fuel each other, and it's wonderful to be able to share bits of our lives and process through our blogs.

I agree also that "The Graduate" was a great movie. I can't believe your parents took you to see "Carnal Knowledge" when you were young, lol....

Mine only took me and my sister to the drive-in to see "The Wasp Woman" and "War of the Worlds," both of which scared me half to death! I must have been about six and my sister about three, then.

Thank you so much for reading my interview at CP, and for the mention. I love the way you bring in your thoughts about other blogs; it's a good will and community-building thing to do.

Right now you sound very optimistic and motivated to do your stitchery! I'm glad....

It's easy for me to stand up against nuclear weapons or FOR clean air and water, but it's very hard for me to push my art. So you're not alone on that count!

If it's an altruistic cause, I want to identify with it. But I feel selfish when I even CONTEMPLATE self promotion.

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