Push/Inspire Me Thursday

This is an essay no pictures for Inspire Me Thursday. Today I am pushing myself to blog as I woke up early this morning, went to a car dealer, found a beautiful car and am amazed that it is sitting in my garage tonight.(It's a lovely royal blue Accord, it's beautiful).

Push, when I think of the word so many things come to mind. How I push myself to work(which brings me great joy a little guilt that I sometimes do have to push myself) that I can be pushy on occassion. That I don't like to pushed around. Lots of things most of them negative so I think I'll stop dwelling on push or pushing myself to come up with something positive to say about it.

I did Tai Chi for a while, I really have to get back to it. One lesson I learned very easily was that you can push somebody and knock them off balance with very little effort. Just a slight movement of the legs putting your weight in the right one can do it. Once I was getting groceries out of the back of my CRV with my hubby standing nearby and he said something snarky so I gave him a little push with the weight on one of my legs. Not a lot just a little and certainly not my intention but it was amazing how off balance that one little push made him. Kind of remarkable how much power we have without knowing it. How easy it is to push someone off balance without meaning to. It's an important lesson in life too.

I think whenever we are not doing what we are meant to do it in a place of peace and tranquility it is easy to be pushy or to have to push ourselves to remind us what is really important. Embroidering in a place of peace brings me the tranquility and assurance that pushing isn't necessary. That with the least amount of effort and putting the weight of the world in the right place I can find my balance.

Not sure this blog post makes any sense(I am remarkably wiped out by my change of fortune this evening) but it is what Push pushed out of me. Hopefully next week will be a nicer topic and I won't have to push myself to say something about it! Keep stitching.


ELK said…
a new car and a great essay ~happy day!
thanks for your comment
Anonymous said…
It's interesting to think about things we push/how we push....
angsiaufang said…
ah.. this is a very nice writing~ :)) and so true.
But I think if we love and enjoy what we're doing, we barely feel that we're pushing ourself, yes? hehehe..
Thanks for the lovely comment TS!
Judy Olson said…
A new car! That's wonderful!

I remember the words "don't push!" from my childhood.
Lori Saul said…
Your thoughts make great sense! This weeks theme was an interesting challenge- and your writing reflects the many meanings beautifully.
mendofleur.com said…
Interesting thoughts. Yes, when we push I suppose we operate from a standpoint of drive and not intuitive sensing. Congrats on a new car!

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