Chug, chug, chugging along

Well like the red, red robin I am chug, chug, chugging along. I've started to embroider a lot more so I should have pictures soon. My son's birthday is this week so I may be a bit scarce(This is a recent picture of my son and husband on a trip to Cooperstown. ). He's going to be 18 on Wednesday. He's really a great kid and has been for most of the days of his 18 years. But 18 means he will be a great young man. He's getting ready for college and enjoying his senior year, he may or may not be going to the prom. He is dating a nice girl who crochets and he's looking for a job. Since he is my sunshine after my embroidery(and my hubby) I decided to talk about him. He loves baseball and hockey and knows everything you would want to know about both. Originally he was thinking he wanted to be a sports journalist but the closer he gets to college the more he thinks about that choice. He's a great writer so I kind of hope he thinks about it a bit more. He's tall and think very unlike his short chubby mom(thank god) and very handsome too.

I share so much about my own thoughts and my own work and my own whatever that I thought I'd share something real with you all. So I decided to share my fabulous son with all of you. So if I don't see you the next few days it is because I am celebrating my wonderful son and his 18 years of life and if you do see me I'll have some photos of my other great love. Embroidery. Keep stitching and hugging and kissing those wonderful realistic kids of your own.


Anonymous said…
Funny, but I can't IMAGINE sending my son to college (he starts kindergarten in the fall!) and 18 seems SO far away, but I know how quickly the months turn to years...and you look back and wonder where the time went! Have a blast with your "baby" these days -- we'll wait for your return to blogland!
painter ofblue said…
Congratulations!!! 18 years old. That's quite an accomplishment for both of you. He's a beautiful young man (with fine taste in baseball teams- we're a Mets family too). I'm sending all 3 of you love and blessings in this new stage of life. Thanks for posting the picture!
Judy Olson said…
Happy Birthday to your son! 2 of my "kids" are over 30 and I can say that they just stay your kids no matter how old they (or you) get. Enjoy! said…
Oh how nice to see photos of your son and husband. What an exciting time as well as poignant. Seems like you have the gifts of joy and remembrance right now. Enjoy! There will be many more to follow. Congratulations!

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