From Chaos comes Peace

This is the piece I was speaking about a few weeks ago. It is hand embroidered on water colored muslin. The center of the piece is an embroidered tangle of threads and it flows out from there in a peaceful flowy way.

My life is still in the chaotic phase. My son was on the waiting list for the prom and he got his tickets yesterday for the prom which is Saturday. We went to get his tuxedo and thankfully it was an easy and quick process and his date is going for her dress today. We are also filling out his college courses and that has been a bit more of an ordeal.

As far as my work goes. My work was accepted into a new gallery that is opening in Troy and I was not accepted as a member of an artist coop which I applied to. I feel I may have muddied the water by submitting older work(which I am currently not doing)instead of concentrating on my framed hand embroidery. But whatever will be will be and I guess that was an opportunity not meant to be(at least for now). I guess just the idea that I am putting my work out there in the universe to be juried should give me comfort.

I hope your day is going well and you are happily stitching!


Judy Olson said…
This is a lovely piece, and wishing you much peace!!!!!!!!!!!
Elizabeth said…
Beautiful work. Hope your son will have a party to remember.
Deb G said…
I like the stitching on the colored background a lot. It's funny, sometimes I think that white is a difficult color.
lee said…
great work, cong on the gallery. and I hope the prom was wonderful and a great memory for your son.
phyllis said…
The colors on this piece are so very pretty as well as the imagery and fine stitching. How nice to be accepted into a gallery. These are special times for you and your family as your son graduates. I wish you much joy and many special moments to recall in the years ahead.
Patti Gibbons said…
I am going to be daring and submit a portfolio of work to the Woodstock Art Asso/Museum to see if I get in as an "Active" member. It is thru a jury process. I am going to bring in 6 of my collages as they are the strongest and most complete and framed at this point. I have been rejected from many a show, gotten into a few...getting thick skinned and all I keep saying to myself is that I must keep making art because I want to, not because it is for shows, though I do need to sell some now and then!

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