Just Catching Up

I have so many wonderful things going on but none of them are quite ready to share yet. My dream is to have a life as an artist that validates itself after no longer being a stay at home mom. To do the work and find the outlets and just work, be it big or small, embroidered or knit I want to stitch a life for myself now that my son is although not flying the coop physically is flying the coop for all intensive purposes. It started in September as I realized this was a year of last mommy moments and has reached a fever pitch since his 18th birthday and is rolling along picking up steam as we near graduation and college.

So finally I am taking baby steps and they seem to be leading me to my life after stay at home mommydom(yes I'll still be a mother but not quite in the same way). I've been putting my work out in my little corner of the world and it seems as if I will be able to keep working. So I've got a bunch of wonderful things to share which hopefully will finalize on different days so I don't have to invent something to talk about.

So stitching, stitching, stitching I will go and I'll be back soon hopefully with really good news right about the time my stay at home mom moniker expires! Blessings to you all. Follow your dreams and share your good news too! Happy Stitching!


Valaine said…
Good luck!! I am cheering you on :) May God bless you and your family!
Deb G said…
Moving forward is a great place to be!
Phyllis said…
This sounds so promising and exciting.
It is always fun to anticipate and plan and dream about these artistic ventures. I will look forward to following you as you stretch and reach and move ahead.
it sounds very exciting, I look forward to reading more
Lynda Lehmann said…
Sounds good, Debra. I hope all your projects and dreams come to fruition!

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