Warrior/Inspire Me Thursday

This is the definition of warrior as per dictionary.com
1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.
2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.

Some days when I embroider I feel like a warrior armed with my embroidery needle. Looking to find peace and joy with my needle. Trying to escape those things that make me feel like a different type of warrior.

Some days I think we all feel like a beast or a warrior, willing to fight with anyone about anything. Those kind of days are so difficult that we all need some sort of outlet to fight against those negativities. For me the answer is my embroidery needle. It never fails to bring me peace(and no not by sticking the other person with my embroidery needle). It brings me back to my center stitch by stitch by stitch. It's meditative and puts my attention on the one thing that will calm me down. I'm one of those people that picks up whatever energy is in my environment be it a positive energy or a negative one. It's something I've just recently become aware of(ironically when I am embroidering and something negative pops into my sphere of attention). It's like a big negative wind just blew in to see if it can upset my peace and tranquility. Sometimes it does(and I put down the embroidery) and sometimes I just work through it with stitch after stitch.

I don't really have anything else to talk about as I am in the aftermath of a foul wind and need to embroider instead of being a warrior but the point of this warrior post is to remind everyone that we all need stress relievers, something that can tame our warrior heart so that it cannot be so damn destructive. Find your embroidery and become a warrior for peace. Happy stitching.


kt said…
Amen to that
Judy Olson said…
Filet crochet does it for me, something about the grid. That reminds me...I need someone to teach me how to make nice even increase stitches in filet. The only instructions I have for increases make a very messy stitch. Can you point me in the right direction?
Tangled Stitch said…
Are they in the middle of a row or at the end. I could never quite grasp adding fillets on one of the side but if it's in the middle it works more seamlessly if you do it in the middle of a grouping. I would suggest About. They have excellent resources for knitting and crochet both(and free patterns too!)
Lori Saul said…
Wonderful, wise words. A big part of being a (good) warrior is knowing what your strengths are and what works for you. Bravo- your needlework (on other posts) looks beautiful!
Elizabeth said…
I'm starting to believe we are sister of some sort. Why? I'm also very sensitive to energy and stitching gives me myself back. Too bad you live so far, otherwise I would invite you for a cup of tea. I'm pretty sure we would have more than enough to talk about.

Have a great weekend.
mormar said…
your embroidery is so nice.
Anonymous said…
Debraann, you've created a beautiful response to the Warrior theme! My grandmother taught me to embroider when I was wee, but I didn't stay with it. I didn't appreciate then (as I certainly do now) the importance of working with my hands, of developing a skill, of expressing myself with fibre. Well done, you. Lovely work!
Deb G said…
Like your response. I was thinking along the same lines when I saw "Warrior" as the theme this week.
Lynda Lehmann said…
My art does this for me, every day. I feel lost when I can't get to it for days at a time...

Be gone, ye foul wind!

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