Zoom, zoom, zoom!

This is the latest project I am working on and zoom, zoom, zoom well that is my life at the moment. So much work to do, so much going on with son graduating next month and going to college in a few, not to mention some work related excitement(and pressure). I'm zooming in and out and trying to embroider enough to center myself and bring myself some peace in the midst of all this chaos.

About the piece it is a hand embroidered turtle on watercolored muslin and the zoom is the detail of the background. I have a few more circles and it will be done and then off to the framing process and then I'll share it. I am thrilled with the way it is turning out and it is a slight departure from my usual work.

Well short and sweet(hopefully) and off to read my bloggy friends. Keep stitching. See you soon if I stop zooming quickly enough!


Elizabeth said…
Can't wait to see it.
Deb G said…
Well that's intriguing!
mendofleur.com said…
Watercolored muslin...I love the way that sounds. Your stitching is lovely and I am definitely partial to circles. It will be fun to see how this turns out. Busy time for you, but also one of good memories and life's passages.
I admire your talent - stitching is not mine; when I have to sew ribbons and elastics on my daughter's pointe shoes it takes me forever... maybe one day... :)
kt said…
Thank you for your nice note about my attempt at haiku! Looking forward to seeing your finished turtle. Congrats to son. It is an exciting time when they graduate and go off to college. Mine just got her BA and I don't know where the time flew!
Anonymous said…
zoom, breathe, stitch, repeat... (and LOVE the circles!! just don't spiral off...)
Lynda Lehmann said…
Debra, I know what you mean about chaos. I think it won't be over until we are gone.... So I'll take it!

College is a big sea-change for the family.

Sorry it took me so long to get back here. We're swamped with trips to Home Depot and the construction.

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