Another show, another weekend

Another show another weekend filled with tears. Ok the writing is on the wall, whatever I end up doing no more tears. I didn't get too many knit and crochet purses done but I enjoyed making them immensely so that is my starting point. I also worked on another hand embroidered hand(beautiful jewel tones on watercolored muslin) I enjoyed that immensely too. So the going gets tough the tough get going. More knitting, more framed pieces, more crochet. I have all the hand embroidered table fill I could possibly want to get me through the current craft season so I now have nothing to lose and no more things to make just to make money(which isn't working). I've wanted to experiment and spread my wings for a while but kept on doing the well whatever you get the point. You've never seen my run of the mill work because I don't even share it on my blog. Something I don't want to share on my blog is something I don't want to make anymore.

Now to get off the pity party and share my thoughts on the current state of my business. I am the NY Mets of artisans. Lot's of potential crippled by too many injuries so 8 games out of first place. They mean well and keep their fans and their coach and their GM but just hanging on by their fingernails. And yet there are glimpses of greatness in there, like Johan Santana. So it's time for me to trade some dead wood(and yes I wish the Mets would too but they are all injured so for now we are stuck) and try something new. At least if I don't sell my hand embroidered framed pieces and lovely crocheted and knitted hand bags I can use them myself. There are only so many hand embroidered eye glass cases a girl can have(and I have enough for Christmas presents too). So I'm going for broke. There has to be a reason I still have at least 6 craft show outings for the rest of the summer(and a half a season for my beloved Metskis). It must be a sign because I could not give up now even if I wanted to so I'll make do with what I can make, hope that some of my new players or old favorites live up to their potential and shoot for the bleachers(of course in home run territory and not outside the foul posts).

So I guess you can tell I've finally had enough if I'm comparing myself to the Mets. I hope you at least found this pity party entertaining. And heres hoping that we don't have the last two Met seasons in reverse, they all come back from being hurt get on a real roll and then come up one or two games short. But what the heck I'm feeling optimistic, even though the road is dark I see good things for both me and the Mets(and hopefully by the time their season is totally shot to hell my craft shows will be doing better). Blessings to all of you. Especially Johan Santana who is the one shining light in a rather dismal baseball season.

PS be glad I used the Mets analogy instead of the weather(which has been atrocious).


Judy Olson said…
It's not you, it's the economy! I think this season will continue to be dismal but really this cannot last forever.

Oh the Mets, what can I say? I guess they are a good metaphor for life, you just have to go on and try. Every at bat you have to have hope. The season isn't over yet, and even when it does end there is always next year.
lee said…
Maybe you are targeting the wrong people. Your stuff is cool and retro, who likes that stuff (me of course) but younger people. People who shop in stores that sell used but high quality goods. Maybe you should check around your area, if you have scanner, scan your work, your purses, etc and find emails or go there and see if they will consign your work. Lots people in this world love handmade stuff.
Phyllis said…
I am hoping that you are feeling better about doing your shows. I am sure it must be very frustrating as this economy simply is not getting jump-started in a way we would like to see. Of course all this takes time and that proverbial patience. I hope the weather has improved so at least there is sunshine coming through your window as you stitch!

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