Rolling Along on those Circles

This is the finished piece Zoom, Zoom, Zoom or Floating Turtles framed and now in residence at Katbird Shop in Schenectady along with Flamethrower both on watercolored fabric as of today. Now for the continuation of my previous two posts(one should never write on a blog after a particularly bad outing). My life is changing so much almost in every minute between my son and my self and my work, sometimes when the process is completely chaotic the artist is chaotic also. Thankfully I still have both ears!

I've been crocheting and totally enjoying the process and the product and how ideas are just flying into my brain. I had breakfast with my friend Emily who is the best friend I think I've ever had in my life. She just let me go on and on and on about my show and the encounter with the lady there. She gave me wonderful advice and a wonderful ear to listen(as have my bloggy friends) and asked me why this woman's comment had such an affect on me. After a really long conversation I realized that somewhere or someone along the way made me lose my love for knitting and crocheting and I wasn't brave enough to just let it blow off my shoulders and continue. So now I am going to incorporate some knitting and crocheting into my repetoire and continue to embroider too. Since I have enough little hand embroidered products to get me through my craft shows for the year I'm going to continue to work on framed pieces and make some beautiful knit and crochet bags and scarves and whatever the universe gives me for inspiration.

I am rather embarassed and thankful that I spilled my guts in my previous two posts as I learned a lot about friendship and advice and process and product. I am really enjoying swinging around my crochet needle and working with the most wonderful wool/silk mix yarn. Fabulous. Pictures to come and I'm still working on my circles hand when waiting in traffic or at the doctor's office or anywhere else I'm tempted to become impatient. A win, win! Thanks for reading and for your advice and I love what I do too much to just give up again.

Soooooo, if you are in the neighborhood of Schenectady please stop in to the Katbird Shop and see the lovely Kathy and her cats and a variety of beautiful artistry by many different artists(including myself). Blessings and thank you. Keep stitchin.


Deb G said…
Finding a balance between making a living and feeding the soul can be difficult. Sounds like you're on your way.

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