For the love of yarn

This is a little clutch purse I knitted recently. It's a little ditty but the yarn I used to knit it was wonderful. It was a lovely silk and wool blend that just felt divine. Just divine. The coloring is beautiful too. It's green and brown and orange and well just divinely colored.

Today I went out with my friend Cheryl and her daughter Debbie. Debbie is a new knitter and I ventured to teach her single crochet which she got the hang of easily(I can't wait to see the treasures she makes). I told her about the lovely yarn store in Saratoga which has beautiful wonderful yarns and a great, really great discount box. I could feel my mood rising as I talked about the beautiful yarns and the textures and the wonderfulness of finding just the right yarn for the right project. At the moment Deb is a little leery of buying yarns but I have convinced her that she is ready for the splendor of my favorite yarn shop. Everybody is ready for the splendor of a yarn shop. Even if the only stitch you can make is a simple knit stitch or a simple single crochet you are ready to feel the wonder and the textures and the colorings of a slightly different type of yarn then you can find in your local Michaels. Not that there is anything wrong with yarn from Michaels but your local yarn shop is probably owned by a person you know and whose very existence is based on your love of yarn. A real American success story. So find one in your neighborhood and buy, buy, buy! Not only will you support a local entrepenuer but you can take even the simplest stitch and make it look extraordinary.

I don't have much else to add, I had a wonderful birthday and my son is off to college next Monday(he's a commuter so he's really not off but it is a new beginning for both of us). I have quite a few pieces waiting to be finished or photographed so check in soon. I'm off to see what my other stitchy friends have been doing(I have been so lax about keeping up blogging this summer).Keep stitchin.


Judy Olson said…
That yarn store in Saratoga is wonderful! My daughter and I were in there a few weeks ago going "Look at this!" "Look at this!" all over the place! Your little purse is so very nice, yarn quality means a lot to a small project. I am off to the Mabee Farm today for a show, hope the weatherman lied again, I am so sick of getting rained on.
Lynda Lehmann said…
It's lovely, Deborah! I want to reach out and touch it.

Hope your birthday was happy! :)
Phyllis said…
I like your philosophy about supporting local businesses versus the big box stores. Lovely little purse. Happy belated birthday!
lee said…
love love the purse
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone

Just introduce myself: I am a man (says my wife), I am 50 years old (hmm, that looks bad isn't it?) and I am a terrible bad programmer (I say myself).
My hobbies: computer (of course), my 17 years old son and of course my wife. I like to play billiard, I do a very little bit and very simple programming in VB and I try to make a site for my billiard-club in the near future.

Take care, Dennis from [url=]Online Payday Loans[/url] website!

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