Funky Pink Bag

I loved making this bag! Just loved it. Loved the colors, loved the textures, loved the funkiness. I'm going to be 50 in two weeks. I love alternative music. My favorite bands at the moment are Cage the Elephant and Franz Ferdinand. I love to sing in my car and sometimes even dance(don't ask it's possible). I love to read spiritual books and I think I'm a little off kilter especially for your average frumpy housewife. I think it's time I admit that I'm not your average housewife and embrace the eccentricities that make me happy. No I'm not going through your average midlife crisis, I've always been a little off kilter and eccentric and I've always loved making funky pieces of art and funky bags. One of my best friends is a cancer survivor, she told me she tries to make as much out of one day as possible as life is too short. I think it was the one sentence I needed to hear from someone who believed it. So here I've outed myself. I've shared a bag that would probably have sat in my closet waiting for the right opportunity to share it. Well that moment is now. No more closet bags or closet behavior. Life is too short so I'm going to enjoy the ride even if it means looking a little off kilter for a frumpy housewife. Funky hot pink mohair moves me so you'll probably see a bit more of it in my future works. I hope you like the bag!


lee said…
I love the bag,,,,it totaly funky, and I sing loudly in the car and dance around the house with the music blaring....aren't we all ecentric when we reach a certain age and realize life is to short not to do what we want.
Valaine said…
My favorite shades of pink! I love this funky bag :) Looks like it was fun to make. I'm with you - let's not wait to become who we really are!

I changed my blog because I want to express more of how I feel now. I want to live, breathe, love. When I look into the sky I'm reminded of what I have at that moment- life and the opportunity to live! That I am alive, breathing, able to be and create.
Phyllis said…
This bag in great!! More! More! I love funky things too, and by all means grab life with gusto and don't worry about what others think. This is your life. No dress rehearsal and if you are about to turn 50, I think this is the age that one changes perspectives. There seems to be more room for quality versus quantity and finding a space for our innermost selves to fit and grow and shine.
Judy Olson said…
I love the bag too!!! It always amazes me how fast you work and how much you can get done. Funk on, sister!
Deb G said…
Your bag is fantastic! So is the one below.

Life is too short to not do what makes you happy...boogie on!
Anonymous said…
You're the scheme of things, life is short. Furthermore...time flies whether you're having fun or not so each day should be a pursuit of joy and fun things that delight us. Be in love with what you do so not only the beauty of what you create is tangible but also the essence of who you are may radiate from it as well.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for all the great comments. I am enjoying crocheting and knitting purses so much. Your comments have inspired me to move funkily along. So as Anon says(by the way you always make me think, I think I like the Anon way of blogging) be in love with what you do and radiate your essence. Thanks again!
Lynda Lehmann said…
I LOVE the design and colors in this one! It certainly is fun and funky! :)
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