Moving along

I've been moving along with my purse making. This purse is a green and blue knit. Moving along in my life too. Just a few days short of 50 and on vacation(I'm always on vacation but my hubby is off this week too). Turning 50 is quite a milestone. Finally getting used to it I think. My son starts college in three weeks and I've been crocheting up a storm. I'm reading Thomas Moore's book on Life Work again. I love this book. Read it before Dark Nights of the Soul so thought I needed a reread.

Hope all is well with all of my bloggy friends. My friend Valaine from Blue Owl Designs has a new blog Beneath the Clouds. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do. And Lee from Defining Me is back too. I may be a little scarce as we are doing a bunch of day trips but hopefully you will be as entertained with my friend's blogs and see you soon!


Judy Olson said…
Hope the weather is good this week,and I hope you have a wonderful time with your hub! Day trips sound wonderful, it's always good for creative people to see new things. Wishing you many blessings, 50 was alright for me, the trouble didn't start till 51!
Elizabeth said…
Congratulations, Happy Birthday, Best wishes. Hope you had a wonderful party with all the presents you wished for.

Keep up the good work.

See you.

lee said…
Happy Birthday I have already reached 50+ and its not to much different than 40., Love the bag, they are all the rage find a store and sell those bags,s before school starts.
Phyllis said…
Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day trips and keep making those bags. They are great. 50 is good.
Valaine said…
Love your knitted purse :) I tried knitting and didn't have enough patience to keep it up, crocheting goes a lot faster for me. So I have a lot of respect for those who can knit an entire project. Happy Birthday! Hope you have plenty of sunshine, hugs and kisses :)
Deb G said…
That's a great bag! All the best!

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