
That is the color of the bag I am highlighting today. Brown, multiple colors of brown, textured, very textured, hand crocheted from my finest stash. I love the way this bag feels, I know you miss that part of the sensory experience but I love the softness of this bag anyway.

Life has been good. I have been very, very industrious and have worked my way out of yet another funk(this was only a couple of days by the way). I'm getting used to my son being gone most of the day and even a few nights with out with some lovely lady friends of his. I've been enjoying my wonderful friends and have brought a few things to Katbird Shop and Artcetera if you are in the neighborhood. I'm ready to try and find another outlet too as I am finally over the summer thing. To be honest I think I needed to be available for my family this summer and I was. I've also decided to let my work represent me more soulfully so a lot of my new work(which I haven't photographed yet) is a little more chaotic and twisty turny. There is no use fighting the twisty turny path I'm on anymore so I'm going with the flow and getting there using all my needles.

I know I've been a lousy blogger as of late and it's been really hard to follow me, but I think the worst is behind me and I'm moving forward. I have quite a few projects waiting to be photographed so even if I can't think of anything to say I'll try to add a picture every couple of days. Thanks if you've been checking in, I really appreciate it. Keep stitchin.


Elizabeth said…
Good luck with your restart.
Judy Olson said…
I am going to Artique tomorrow (Monday) to drop off work. If you are free for lunch, let me know!
Love the brown bag!!
Judy Olson said…
oops, that's Tuesday for Artique drop-off, the "cable guy" is coming tomorrow...
drea_dear said…
Okay, so I haven't visited in a while - I was actually on a computer diet, forcing myself to finish machine sewing. You have been busy! First of all - I LOVE this scrumptious bag. It's like piped lines of frosting. Second, your pink braided scarf is exactly like something I saw in a store, and I'm in the process of recreating for my older daughter (with her crazy favorite color combo of red, purple and tan). I'm working on the 3rd leg today. I hope to finish-finish it today to post pics. :)
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for the comments. Nice to see you Drea. I'm a little disappointed you saw a scarf that looked exactly like mine. I try so hard to be original. But maybe it's just the like minds thing. Can't wait to see yours!
Phyllis said…
I love your bags. This is perfect for the feel of fall. Hope you continue to feel better. Sometimes we all need a break from blogging every now and then. Can't wait to see your other things when you post them.

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