A day of inspiration

I was going to write a completely different blog post tonight but the fates intervened. First off thanks to Lee I have taken pictures of two of my favorite ornaments of this batch. Probably more to come but started with my favorites, I'm really into the cats at the moment. Started making them for The Katbird Shop, made a few for Albany Shaker and now I'm just enjoying the joy of the stitch. Funny how much more interesting and fun a mundane project can become when you do it for the love the stitch.

Now onto the inspiration, first off let me mention Deb from Bee Creative. She popped into my head today because of her passion for all things green and for the needlearts. She takes the bus to work every day because of her love for the planet and she makes beautiful knit socks while she is at it. She makes beautiful dyed fabric from natural ingredients and she has beautiful nature pictures on her blog(my guess is they are a thank you gift from God for her care). Take a gander at her blog, it is very inspirational.

Secondly there is Jude Hill from Spirit Cloth, her blog was totally inspirational in so many ways today. She shared fabric from a friend(also a Deb)and a link to Deb's blog where I saw just beautiful, beautiful stitchery and news of an interview by Elaine Lipsom in HandEye Magazine which profiled Jude. Jude is very inspirational because she does something that I have loved all my life and she is a success at it. Reading her story only made her more of an inspiration. And in the process I found Elaine's blog which is about art and fibers and makers.

Now to Elaine's blog, she has such an interesting spin on fiber artist and fiber addicts and all those other monikers we stitchers seem to have. She thinks we should be called makers and I have to admit I really like that one or just "artist"(which depending on where I am and how loud I am talking seems to be a hard moniker for me especially lately). Maker seems to sum it all up and put a bow on it, not too pretentious, not too mousy, just simple and honest. If you would like to read Elaines or Deb's blog you can read todays entry at Spirit Cloth and she has links(I still don't do links well).

Of course I can't forget Mendofleur who has the most extraordinary beautiful slipper ornaments on her textile blog(which inspires me every day too). Mendofluer is not just an artist(or a maker) on her own but she shares the wonderful history of textiles and a wonderful way of showing and telling the story behind the pieces.

I have embroidered all my life(or pretty close). I started as a young girl doing kits, I started with my ornaments and pillows to make a little money while my son was a baby, years later I joined an "artist" coop which taught me what I was capable of and then during this past year I kind of hit a wall. Artistically, personally and womanly. So I am back to the ornaments for the time being but with an emphasis on the joy and peace I felt as a young girl for a skein of embroidery thread and a hobby that forces you to be focused. I simply cannot wait until the new year dawns and I can put this year of angst about artistry, craft, motherhood, womanhood behind me and for the time being I think I'll be a maker. I really like that! Keep stitchin and please visit the blogs I mentioned along with ALL the inspirational people who's blogs I follow. Blessings.


Phyllis said…
What a beautiful tribute you have paid to so many. I am flattered and I think what you said about the others is so wonderful too. How generous of you to take the time to give time and attention to others. Thank you.

I love your ornaments. They are so, so sweet. Your embroidery is very dear and full of your special gifts too!
lee said…
Hey as Phyllis says thanks for the nice things about our blogs....I am off to visit them.
Deb G said…
Thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoy my blog....

Love your ornaments too. You inspire in so many ways.

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