A great new blog I found

I really didn't have much to talk about today. I'm still embroidering ornaments and I'm back to crocheting and knitting again but don't have anything finished(as I like to do my sewing on the sewing machine only when I feel like dealing with the technology of a sewing machine). I looked up the new gallery where I sell my work, New Leaf at 70 Beekman and found this great blog downtown Susie Brown whose link I will put on the side who is just a treasure trove of information about businesses in Saratoga Springs and all the beautiful wonderful handmade things you can find there. So I thought I would share it with you . I hope you are having a wonderfully creative day.

I'm gonna go blogging and see what beautiful inspirations I can find to pass along. Hope you are having a wonderfully creative day and hopefully some pictures tomorrow!


Anonymous said…
great article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.

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