A short break

This will be a quick post as I am feeling very melancholy today and the only thing that seems to be helping is embroidering. At the moment I am embroidering ornaments. Each little stitch brings me that much closer to peace. I am trying to find as much joy out of each and every ornament as I can, painstakingly adding stitches and details until the ornament is finished. I went out and bought muslin today as this foray into knitting and crocheting has brought more purses and scarves then I could imagine. I will continue to make purses and scarves as I need them and start watercoloring and embroidering again. I miss it, I miss the creativity, I miss the way that it makes me feel, the peace, the love, my center. I have finally gotten the message that embroidery is a gift I give myself, it makes me complete.

I volunteered yesterday at the Albany Shaker Museum and happened to sell one of my new cat ornaments to a lady that bought it for her daughter as I was unloading my inventory. She asked how long it took to make one of these and I honestly told her it takes a couple of hours(or maybe longer) but I enjoy making them more the more time they take me to make. It seems everytime I go to the Albany Shaker Museum I see people lovingly looking at the stitches. Between that and my conversation with Emily about joy I realized it's time to get back to work as a hand embroidery "artist". More stitchin, less *itchin.

I'll share pictures when I have them. Just a shout out to Lynda Lehman who has a lovely video tribute to the troops on her blog. So I'm off for a bit of peace and tranquility and I'll see you soon. Keep stitchin.


lee said…
I to like to embroidery, but have not done it in a long time. I would love to see your ornaments..they should very cool. Hope your day is going better...we all have those days,,me for sure. Yes that is a solider of any nation, that is why I did not identify him. Have a great weekend and talk to you soon
Lynda Lehmann said…
Congrats on the interest in your work.

I know what you mean about your embroidery being your peace, your love, and your center. I feel the same way about doing art and photography!

And thanks for the mention... :)
Patti Gibbons said…
It is important and wonderful that you know that you can find your center through your work. As we age (gulp) we have more and more difficulties, whether it be our own, or others, and we MUST keep ourselves sane through what makes us feel good.
Keep on stichin' sista!

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