Handmade Gifts/Inspire Me Thursday

This is just a little inkling of my handmade gifts for this holiday season. There are hand embroidered and hand knitted and hand stitched and even a couple of hands thrown in there this year. I'm still in the process of figuring out which home they will go home to. Some are no brainers and others require a bit more brain then I have at the moment. I'm a last minute Molly so I probably won't know a couple until I am ready to deliver them.

There is a big push this year for handmade gifts and I personally hope it keeps going. There are always gift card years, but I don't think this is one of them. Our economy and our spirits are broken, this is the year to buy something that comes from the heart and is made with love. Be it a beautiful hand embroidered hand or a beautiful wooden train, or a lovely crocheted scarf. Crafters and artists do what they do because they love it, so every hand made gift you give means you are giving something that someone loved enough to finish or even to start in the first place.

And even more importantly this year, give the gift of yourself because that is the greatest hand made gift! Blessings and happy holidays!


Barbara Hagerty said…
Yes, this certainly is the year for handmade gifts, and I hope it becomes a solid tradition that continues! Your stitching is lovely!!
Deb G said…
Hmmm...I think I see the beginning of a hand reaching out.
"... even a couple of hands thrown in there this year." hahaha thanks for the chuckle!
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