
Meditation is something that is so good for you. Only problem with that is that I cannot sit still without my hands doing something. I've always been a fidgety person who has to have my hands busy. So recently I decided to make my stitchery a meditation. Repetition, prayer and music. I think the holidays are just a stressful time, you can almost see the energy bursting out of people's eyes. Too much shopping, worrying about money, missing those who are not with you, eating too much, drinking too much,not sleeping enough and that leads to smiles, big empty vacant smiles. Happy, happy, happy.

Well that being said, I sat down with a very small piece of fabric and my tangled mess of thread and started a stitching meditation. It had no rhyme or reason. It started with a pair of spirals and then I just added stitches until it felt done. Now that it's done I'm going to have to put it away for a few days, because of it's size it won't fit in a frame but it came out so lovely that I want to do something with it. Because it's a meditation it has to somehow have a spiritual background, maybe some kantha stitching or french knots, I'm just not quite sure. I will meditate for a solution while making my next meditation project(on a much larger more colorful piece of fabric).

Speaking of fabric, I have been busy watercoloring and tea dying so when the next inspiration comes I am ready. I hope you too have a wonderful way of meditation and finding your center during this holiday season, as real peace is so much better then fake happiness. Keep stitching.


Phyllis said…
Well, you absolutely identified the frenzy of the holidays. I am trying to keep things in perspective, but it is hard. I love this piece you are doing. It seems to come straight from your heart.
lee said…
you are so right about going crazy around the holidays. I wish I could mind is always in some flurry of activity. Love the stitching, made it bigger love the colours
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you for the wonderful comments. It was a delightful piece to make as it had no purpose. Now I have to figure out one for it. Thanks again!
Deborah said…
Stitching and spirals, even drawing spirals, are meditative. Almost like mandalas.
meditation; so important during this holiday season. your piece did indeed have a purpose!
Deb G said…
Knitting is meditative for me, especially if I know the pattern well or if it is something simple. I have a feeling it's a lot like using a rosary....
jude said…
needle chanting! yes. order from chaos. what a relief! beautiful.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you for the wonderful comments and the inspiration I get from visiting all of your beautiful blogs!
painterofblue said…
Beautiful piece! It's nice to see your work again.

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