Ringing out the year and the decade!

I though yesterday's blog post about the circle hand would be the last post of this year but I thought I would take a minute to reflect on the wonders of the internet and the blog community and inspiration.

As I mentioned yesterday this year was not the best for me but I am still optimistic about the upcoming year and decade. The beginning of the new millenium was a time of great spirituality for me. It was also a time when I could scoff at all the Y2K worries. That changed for me later that year when the election of George Bush(or whatever you want to call that election) came through at the time I had the feeling that nothing would ever be the same and 10 years later that is most definitely true.

I lived on Long Island and spiritually was being called to a simpler life, a country life. I had realized that being on an island of millions wasn't really where I wanted to grow old. So I found a dream house on Realtor.com in Kinderhook NY. It was a swiss chalet that I could never find. But later on that year we went to visit Kinderhook and stayed in a wonderful place called the Blue Spruce Inn(if you are ever in the neighborhood). It was a lovely place but a little too countryish. So my husband said I love the idea of a place more like Long Island. Oddly enough every day I would meet someone or hear something that would make me think a bit more. A lovely woman I met who ran craft shows said that she would recommend moving north of Albany. So north we came and we found the town where I live today. We came up in August of 2001 and had a wonderful time. I left my wallet in Friendlys and when I went back there it was waiting for me locked in an office. My husband said you know Deb, I think I could live there. We went home and my husband's wallet got pickpocketed and dropped and someone took his credit card and figured we wouldn't figure it out. They took the wallet right out of his pants. Scary really. But for me it was a sign, one of the zillions that lead me to where I am today. Everything down there was telling us to make the move and everything up here was telling us to come. It was so crazy that on the Friday before 9/11 I said to my friend everything is telling us to go and what does my husband need a building to fall on his head to make him realize this. Well prophetic as these things are 9/11 happened and my husband was working in downtown Manhattan on that fateful day. A great big huge metaphor of life. I don't know how many millions of people were affected on that day to make major changes in their lives but I was one of them.

It was a struggle every day after that to make my wish for a simpler life a reality. Obstacles galore, you name it, it was there. But finally my husband got a job up here, my house was sold and in January 2003 I moved into my life as it is. Not really though. I had been a crafter down there so that was my plan for the future. One day on a whim I answered a call for artists that would change my life literally and figuratively. I became an artist in a coop, and then became an artist. I suppose I always was one but the chaotic nature of my life before moving up here kept me so busy that I never really gave thought to what I am and what I was. The coop didn't work out but in a way it did. Everything it promised has become manifest through people I met when I was there. It made me an artist. And once I figured out that, I pretty much figured everything else out.

So now since you are probably bored with this story of the last decade I am optimistic again, because I am reminded that I followed a dream and found it and if it happened once(or perhaps twice) it can always happen again. My prayers to those affected by the disaster on 9/11 and the subsequent disasters following them. Find a universal being you believe in and believe in him/her, because without that belief in the universe nothing is possible. Dare to dream, dare to believe and dare to live. There are always obstacles and questions but sooner or later you realize the answers were right in front of you all the time!

And thank you to the bloggy community and the internet for inspiring me and helping me find some of the answers and inspiring me to share my story.


Laura said…
A Beautiful post!! Happy New Year!
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks Laura and Happy New Year to you too!
Deborah said…
Thanks for the inspiring post! This past year and in fact the last decade have included so many tragedies that I can only hope the next year and decade will be better. It is encouraging to think that somehow we can find the right path.
Deborah said…
Thanks for the inspiring post! This past year and in fact the last decade have included so many tragedies that I can only hope the next year and decade will be better. It is encouraging to think that somehow we can find the right path.

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