Trip to the Katbird Shop

Today I made a trip to the Katbird Shop where I dropped off, Lotus and Mighty Sun, both hand embroidery on watercolored muslin fabric. I took the glass off of Mighty Sun to see how it would be received, as I am thinking of the endless possibilities for embellishment. It is always a wonderful time at the Katbird seeing the lovely Kathy and today she had an artist there making a beautiful painting of a horse. There are so many talented artists and artisans represented there it is definitely worth a trip. I also took some Christmas Ornaments, which Kathy is selling like hotcakes. One woman bought a whole bunch of them and it always heartens me to see that some people admire my work that much.

I am starting a new endeavor(or a revisit to an old one) at the Katbird making personalized childrens pillows and birth announcement pillows. When my son was very little I used to design them, the first one being a train which is what I brought to Kathy, and I would ask my two year old son what it was and if he knew it I figured it looked like what it was supposed to look like, even to a two year old. He was my muse. Now he's a little too old to be my muse and my critic(or supporter) but he sort of inspired me to go backwards and give it a try again. When I did the craft show circuit on Long Island I sold a lot of those pillows so maybe lighting will strike twice. I made cars, and bugs, and trains, and flowers, and well I think you get the idea. I never thought of myself as an artist back then but now I'm ready to be a maker of personalized pillows.

Tomorrow I am volunteering at the Albany Shaker Museum, at least at the moment. We are supposed to be getting a snow storm with some measurable snow but that remains to be seen at the moment.

Thank you to all for your comments on my latest posts, they were a pleasure to write and it was nice to see them well received. I am working on another project not so dark as Hidden Beneath the Surface with pictures to come. Blessings to you and your family and keep stitchin.


Phyllis said…
What beautiful and powerful images. Such a talent you have for embroidery. I am so happy your ornaments are selling so well. No doubt, as they are so lovely. How fun to make something that people love and want to take home. There is no better feeling than this, is there?
lee said…
it seems you have been a busy bee, congrats on selling the oranments,and I am sure the pillows will do great to, as well as your pictures will fly off the handle.
Tangled Stitch said…
Thanks for the responses! Yes busy as a bee is a good way to describe it.

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