Heart of Blue

Hand Embroidered Heart on Batik.

This piece had a life of it's own. I saw this beautiful batik and had to find a project for it. Since Valentine's Day is almost upon us and the world is thinking with their hearts I decided to make a Blue Heart. I then decided to make a spider web pattern in the middle of the heart while I was stitching, I noticed what a nice contrast there was between the blues that I was using and the lovely turquoise that was used to outline so I decided to forgo the filling in and outline the spaces with the lovely turquoise color. I'm very pleased with the results.

I have joined a Facebook page for slow cloth working and am inviting my facebook friends who stitch to join. It is a look at the slow stitchery of embroidery and quilting and other needleworking mediums discussing their place in society now. Years ago when our grandmothers were young, needleworking was a discipline that many people learned and appreciated. As society gets faster and faster we lose the genuine soulfulness of slowing down and taking needle to fabric. Hand embroidering and other hand work reminds us of a time when things were simpler. I find hand embroidering to be a meditation as I am one of those people who simply cannot sit still. I find peace and tranquility in every stitch I make. That is the reason I joined Slow Cloth.

See you soon. Keep stitchin!


Alma said…
Hi Debra Ann,

It is a lovely blue and it came out great. I agree, I feel the same way about hand work....whether its sewing or embroidery...it is a kind of meditation.

Every stitch becomes an OM.

Deborah said…
It's a beautiful piece! I agree with Alma about the meditativeness of hand stitching. It does help one feel more peaceful.
Diane J. Evans said…
Your frames are beautiful -- do you do them yourself?

I agree with you about stitching being meditative -- it really does soothe, doesn't it?


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