A Little Something
Hi All! This is one of the quiltlets I spoke of in my last post. It's one of those spaghetti things, where I try something different and see if it takes. I loved making this little valentine and then inspired by spirit cloth I tried something just a wee bit larger and have abandoned it. As totally relaxing and wonderful as it is it's just not me. So little pieces maybe, but my total admiration for the amount of work it takes to make an entire quilt is unending.
I finished one of my unfinished projects today(beneath the surface) and will be framing it soon and submitting it to a gallery. I am thinking of changing it's name. More information later.
I'm now working on a blue heart. I'm making it for the Katbird Shop, just a small diversion from the normal red heart in honor of Valentines Day. I spoke to the wonderful Kathy today and told her that I have a great feeling about the New Year and the new decade.
I'm having a wonderful and relaxing time stitching and hope the same for all of my stitchery friends. Keep stitching