Garden Goddess

Hi All! I hope this post finds everyone well and safe and warm. This piece is called Garden Goddess and it is one of the pieces I had in the Garden show at Valley Artisans Market recently. I thought on this totally frigid day on one of only a few days without snow it would keep the mood of warm sunlight on a frigid day going.

It's been a pretty cold and snowy 2011. Not quite as much snow as elsewhere in New York State but a couple of inches here and a couple of inches there just about twice a week has left mounds and mounds of snow which will hopefully melt before June. Today was one of those lovely bright sunshiney days when even 9 degrees doesn't feel like 9 degrees.

I went up to Glens Falls with my friend Cheryl who has a few of her beautiful glass pieces in Gallery 99 bringing art to the community for under $99 over this coming weekend. Her work is beautiful and so is the work of all the other artists who are participating. The sun was shining and it made for a lovely walk around Glens Falls and we had a wonderfully delicious lunch at a lovely little gourmet eatery. Glens Falls is a lovely artistic location and perhaps next year I will submit a few pieces of my own. I love living where I live as there are so many outlets for an artist and so many incredible artists whose work I admire.

It was really a wonderful day and a break from my embroidery. I'm working on a piece at the moment which isn't really like anything else I've ever done and enjoying it. One good thing about all this wintery weather is I am embroidering a lot which makes me very happy and warm. I've really found my focus and find joy in my work that makes me want to get out of my comfort zone in both my work and the outlets for my work to be seen.

So all in all, it was a very fine sunny day. I hope my Garden Goddess makes you think of how soon we will all be in the garden(some of us sooner then others). Until then I hope to have more flowery, sunny designs to share along with some others. Have a great day.


Judy Olson said…
Your Garden Goddess is so springy! It's inspiring me to put up a spring picture near my desk.
I was in Glens Falls yesterday taking an etsy class at the shirt factory. I also stopped in at "nine" to buy some coasters. Too bad I missed you guys
very good, very beautiful

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