Tree Garden

Hi All! This is the second piece that I submitted to the Garden Show at Valley Artisans Market. I thought today was the perfect day to post it as we had an absolutely lovely spring day amidst many cold days which will resume tomorrow. I spent much of my day embroidering today and should have some new photos soon.
It's been a busy few days embroidering as I have a couple of shows and some new opportunities to show my work so busy as a bee. I did take a break yesterday and went with my friend Cheryl to Desolation Road a lovely gallery in Altamont NY Cheryl has her work there and the owner Jim has voiced his interest in some of my new art hearts(pictures coming). We also went to see Elissa Halloran a very talented jewelry artist who owns her own shop in Albany and then just for fun we went to a couple of other galleries and had lunch at Creo a wonderful restaurant in Albany which was packed to the gills which is always a good sign.
It was a very inspiring day and will hopefully keep my embroidery moving right along. Something about seeing things made by the hands of real people makes my heart sing. I think that artists and their handiwork are a wonderful part of a hopefully recovering economy. I suppose my love of things made by hand comes from my parents and my grandmother. My mother was a painter, my father a carpenter, and my grandmother taught me how to do needlearts. There was the smell of fresh cut wood and paint and the joy of a new ball of wool or a new technique or my personal favorite embroidery floss. Even today nothing quite makes a bad mood go away like a few dollars worth of embroidery floss(so much bang for the buck and so many beautiful colors).
Well back to work so I'll have to wax nostalgic about embroidery floss some other day. Please feel free to share your hand made memories and keep stitching.
Yes, looking at the wonderful things other people have made really elevates your spirit. If more people only realized how much better they would feel all the time if they had a few of these things in their homes!