Wonderfully Busy

Hi All! I'm sorry I have not written in a while but I have been wonderfully busy. Very wonderfully. I have been accepted as a member in the Valley Artisan Market in Cambridge NY. It is a lovely cooperative located next to the historic Hubbard Hall. I am so excited and so busy. The ride is very nice to and from and I am thrilled beyond belief to be included with so many talented artists. I will try to update a little more frequently then I have been but I have other obligations also so it might just be once a week for a while.

This piece is called Peace and I hope whatever you are doing peace is nearby. I am very peaceful when embroidering so off I go. Keep stitching.


Lynda Lehmann said…
How exciting! Hope you meet a lot of interesting people and find new venues for your work!
Granny Kate said…
That's lovely! I'm glad I stumbled onto your blog. Going to add it so I can return.
Judy Olson said…
How did I miss this post?? Huge congratulations and I am so sorry I did not see this sooner. Hope all is well and I should take a ride over to Cambridge sometime.

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