Fulton Street Gallery

Hi All! I'm a wee bit late on my blogging. These are the two pieces I've done for the Fulton Street Gallery Alphabet Show. The opening was a couple of weeks ago and it is up until April 20th.

The first piece is named wh"Y". It is a black embroidered Y with blood red teardrops surrounding on muslin. It was a concept that has been rolling around in my mind for a while. There seems to be so many reasons lately to ask "why" but that is a different blog post for a different day.

The second piece is named "I's" which is a little more self explanatory. It is hand embroidered on watercolored orange fabric. I just love working on orange water colored fabric. It's probably my favorite color to embroider on.

I am so thankful that Fulton Street Gallery has given me a place to showcase my work and to work with themes. I love themes. They make me work outside my comfort zone and work on pieces that have been rolling around in my head for a while. It's funny how many ideas float around my head and then seem to emerge just at the right cosmic time. I guess that's an artistic thing.

My mind is a little foggy at the moment as I am in the middle of a fibro flare up so I will end now and be back soon to show you some of the pieces that are now in VAM and update you on the wonderful Katbird shop and Desolation Road both of which have very exciting and wonderful things going on. Keep on stitching.


Phyllis said…
I agree that themes are always more enjoyable in terms of finding a place to start. Great pieces you have on display. I particularly love the play on the letter "I".

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