Wow a very long, long time

Hi All! Boy it's been a long time. I've been busy embroidering and my usual computer has gotten a virus and is very, very sick(and I hate this one, before I am finished typing I am sure this whole post will disappear). I am saving up or hoping to get a new laptop for my birthday so hopefully it will get better.

In the meantime my posts will be short and sweet(just like myself) and I will mostly share work and purchase options(or just share my work). This particular piece is a vintage Harley Davidson a real departure for me. I have done quite a few pieces that are departures so check back often. This motorcycle is available at the Katbird Shop in Schenectady. It was loads of fun to make and quite rewarding to do something different.

I found that in this time of lost computerage and the loss of the bags and the scarves and the eyeglass cases, my pillows and ornaments and especially the framed pieces have gotten a little more experimental. I've gotten some wonderful feedback from the wonderful people at Albany Shaker which had the summer craft fair just this past weekend(sorry I didn't get here sooner for those of you who were looking for something wonderful to do) so things are looking up!

I'll be back soon with another photo(and I really mean it). Blessings to all. Hope you are having a wonderful resurgence of creativity yourselves. Ta,ta!


Nice jobs.

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The perfect gift.

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