
The name of this piece is Simplicity. It is hand embroidery on muslin. It is just the simplicity of color and hand embroidery. Very simple yet somewhat complicated. Beginnings and endings of each line and thread combined.

A few weeks ago I happened upon a PBS special about Simon and Garfunkel. I enjoyed the music so much I decided to buy a greatest hits CD(it was on sale too). Their songs are so simple and yet their relationship and lyrics are so complicated. The combination of the two is both beautiful and sad at the same time. I am a lyrics person so much more then an instrument person. I love the sad and complicated songs which touch my soul when I listen to them. I smile to Cecelia and I feel the loss of Old Friend/Photograph. It so beautifully portrays the pain of only having photographs of people who are so important to who we are and where we came from.

Funny thing is I forgot I enjoyed them so much in my youth. It took listening to them as a woman with more time gone then left to really hear their messages. One of simplicity and complication. I sometimes feel that calling to me from my embroidery hoop. The simpleness of stitch by stitch but the complication of detail. Perhaps others don't see that when they look at my work but I guess embroidery is a metaphor for my life. Simple yet complicated. Some people look and only see the simplicity and others look and see the complications but sometimes they consider the total package and that is wonderful. A thread of joy and a winding thread of unhappiness that runs through.

I guess that is the best I can ask for. A little joy and a little sadness. The joy of the moment and the sadness for what has become complicated or ended. Simplicity and complications. Keep stitching and take a Simon and Garfunkel cd out of the library and listen to the simplicity and realize the complicated.


Diane J. Evans said…
This is a beautiful piece and a touching blog post -- I thoroughly enjoyed both. I, too, love Simon and Garfunkel -- they had a tremendous impact on me during my college years, and several of my quilts are named after their songs. They will remain unmatched for the simplicity and beauty of their music, I agree.


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