The Barn Revisited

Sorry no pictures today. I had a fabulous day at the barn and a wonderfully creative weekend. I met such nice people and saw a few wonderful creative friends. All is right with the world. I'm still embroidering as much as I can and still enjoying the peace and tranquility the stitch brings me.

I met a lovely young potter at the barn named Maeghan, her work was so beautiful and innovative and she is attending college for a career in ceramics. Just that sentence gives me such joy. The arts are being left behind in this crazy world we live in and it was a joy to see someone so dedicated to her craft and her art that she is making the ultimate career choice. I know she will be very successful as her pottery is very unique, beautiful and spiritual. I do have a thing for pottery. I love it, I think but to look at not study. Potters and photographers are kind of the ultimate artist to me as they look at the world uniquely and share their visions with the rest of us. I'd like to think my embroidery does that in some small way.

I guess the point of this post, is I was reminded of how much I love being a working artist(thanks to my husband I don't have to put the starving in the sentence). I was reminded of how enthusiasm for your craft is so darn important and that is the bottom line. The stitch itself is the point, not so much the money. If you love something and work hard at it sooner or later the money will come(at least that is what they say). I wish I knew what Maeghan knows when I was her age, but sometimes we have to grow into our own happiness and our calling. Late bloomers I suppose.

There are wonderful things happening in all of the venues that I am lucky enough to participate in. So if you are in upstate NY, check out the Albany Shaker Christmas Craft show in Albany, The Katbird Shop in Schenectady, Valley Artisans Market in Cambridge and last but not least Desolation Road in Altamont(where Jim has some really wonderful things going on during the next two months). Please come and shop handmade at our local markets or shop local in the markets you live in. You'll end up with really cool gifts and be the hit of the party.


Judy Olson said…
So happy things are going good for you!
Becky said…
Deb, I miss the show and everyone there, but my hands and wrists have helped me decide to stop the intense production knitting. I hope you have a great year!
Lynda Lehmann said…
I like what you said about "growing into" our own happiness. Maybe late bloomers bloom longer, who knows!

It sounds as if everything is going your way, and I'm happy for you.
vous fashion.thank pour le partage
Infotainment said…
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