Grey Street

This is the current piece I am working on. It is going to be several different colors but at the moment I am working on the gray. Not very inspiring but I'm sure that lack of inspiration will be lost when I move on to the other colors. I guess in a world where you are what you eat, you are what you stitch also.

Even though the weather has been exceptionally mild, that hasn't erased that particular color of gray that is present when the sky isn't a beautiful blue. It sort of permeates my soul if I let it. But to counter all that gray I have used tiny bits of blue in the gray in the stitchery.

It's kind of amazing what color or the lack of it, does to a piece and does to your psyche. It's important to break up the gray in our lives also, imperative really. I feel at my best when my outlook is bright and sunny and whimsical so I'm also working on some tiny little bright and cheerful hearts which brighten my mood. Also ever present are the headphones which keep reality at bay while I create. Todays selection is Grey Street, it is on the CD Busted Stuff by Dave Matthews . Not very sunny or bright but it's a great CD. Blessings to all!


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