Everywhere I Go

Hand of Tree by DebraAnn813
Hand of Tree, a photo by DebraAnn813 on Flickr.

This piece is called Tree Hand. It's currently available at Valley Artisans Market in beautiful Cambridge, NY. Thursday I worked up in the market and had just a marvelous time. I love to work there and Thursday was a total embroidery day. I worked on my latest project and brought my Christmas gift embroidery books with me and of course met the coolest people. I always meet the coolest people when I'm there, maybe because all that beautiful art by so many different artists just brings out the artist in all of us.

Sometimes I just have to pinch myself when I think of how blessed I am to have my work in so many wonderful places and all the wonderful people I've met on my artistic journey. There are just too many of them to list each one but I think each of the artists I've met and the shop and gallery owners I work with all have that one special thing. The love of art. The love of music and literature and interest in the world around them. The ability to look at a tree or a muddy river and see the beauty and lucky for us they share it with the world.

Everywhere I Go is the song of the day. It is sung by the Black Keys and is on the Thickfreakness recording. I have to admit Thickfreakness is one of my favorites and I included it here because the enjoyment I have singing Have Love Will Travel at the top of my lungs as I drive back and forth on my actual artistic journeys. Everywhere I Go is a little more bluesy and sedate and is a remake of a Junior Kimbrough song. The whole CD is just chock full of fun songs and beautiful bluesy music to just laugh and sing and be joyful to. Great traveling music. That's it for today so have a great day and keep on stitching.


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