Here Comes the Sun

This blog post is written on a really gloomy day outside, but a good day to wish for sunshine inside. This lovely sun heart is at the Katbird Shop in Schenectady waiting for a home if you need a little sunshine inside.

This post is also an ode to my mothership. I finally went to the doctor last week and my mothership is doing well, except for a little too much sugar and certainly not enough Vitamin D(really not enough). The sugar can be improved by diet and exercise, both badly needed. The vitamin D is a megadose once a week and a little bit of sunshine and some vitamin D enriched foods the rest of the time.

I kind of think of this vitamin deficiency as my vampire weekend. I am a hand embroidery artist who would rather be inside embroidering than just about anything else. No I don't have a coffin but I do have a hand embroidered cocoon. And I don't collect blood but does red embroidery floss count? Even as a kid I would love to be inside doing some needling instead of outside playing tag or just about anything else outdoorsy.

So I guess the moral of this story is to go to the doctor about any and all of those nagging worries you have and perhaps you too will be lucky enough to realize that all that is needed is some sunshine, some good food, some vitamins, some booty shaking and something you love to do all the time. Happy Stitching!


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