Home Again

The name of this piece is Unconventional. It can be found at The Katbird Shop in Schenectady, N.Y. Originally Unconventional was going to be embroidered on Orange water-colored fabric, but then I opted for blue because I wanted to show that although every thing else is "normal" the house is different. Every house is different and every person living in that house is different. My home is in upstate New York, it is the most beautiful, peaceful healing place I have ever lived. I grew up in New Jersey a block away from the second biggest superfund sight in the country, although when I was growing up it was just a paint factory spewing the chemicals from the paint into the air and not into the ground water supply. I was sick all the time growing up. Then I lived in Bayside, Queens. An experience so horrible I just choose to forget it. It was never peaceful and you couldn't distinguish the Fourth of July from a war zone. I was sick all the time. And then I lived on Long Island, it would have been a beautiful place were there not so many damn people on that island and I didn't live close enough to spit on a brother and sister act who made my and my family's life miserable. I was always sick. And then I moved up here. The place where I fit and where I found myself. My home. I never get sick. I have just enough space to breath and I have wonderful neighbors, wonderful friends, wonderful art and well I can just sound pollyanna about where I live all day. If you are ever looking for a vacation destination you can find it up here just seconds, minutes, hours away. And it seems to be a place where everyone can explore who they really are and have enough freedom to chase some wonderful dreams. My song of the day is Home Again. It is sung by Michael Kiwanuka. Yes he was yesterday's artist too. He has such a beautiful voice and such an inspiring way with words and music I find myself taking a break from my embroidery and watching him on Youtube. I especially like to listen to him live. Just beautiful. I found you can get the same feelings from music when it is(was) performed live that you can when you put on your headphones, because live as with headphones gives you the opportunity to see the nuance and texture of the music you listen to. And I found that the experience is even better when you close your eyes and only experience sound. So listen to Michael and let it bring you to the beautiful place that you call home.


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