Misty Mountain Hop

This is Tallulah. I went up to North Creek with my traveling artist companion Cheryl to drop off some of her beautiful glass and Tallulah and a few of her friends to Nancy at Seven Sisters Gift Shop in North Creek. We had a great time laughing and gabbing all the way up and all the way down the mountain. And yes it was even misty and raining and ice pelleting. But thankfully Cheryl drove and she is a pro at driving in adverse weather conditions and yes it is as beautiful in North Creek when the weather is not snowy or sunny.

I am such a lucky gal to have met such great artists and friends in the last few years and yes it is great to reconnect on Facebook with older friends too. You never have too many friends and they just make your life wonderful. They fill in all the little pieces of you whether they be the first boy you danced with, your first real boyfriend and his wife, the girls you went down the shore with and drove up rt 9 with , all your shake your booty girl friends from younger days and the pals you accompany back and forth to all the wonderful places you can go in upstate NY. And of course your Tuesday morning steady with the wonderful Emily! I'm so blessed really.

Now as far as Tallulah I will be making more little birds and little colorful fish as they make me quite happy and gleeful. Kuku the bird and her orange pal Cha,Cha are together up at Valley Artisans Market enjoying the wonderful artists they get to see each and every day all of them a delight.

As I was talking about my friends I just wanted a happy blog post with no lessons except to enjoy each and every one of your friends in whatever way you can. And no Misty Mountain Hop wasn't my song of the day but it fit the day anyway(which I guess makes it my song of the day). Blessings


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