Put and on your work shoes mama

Put on your work shoes mama and your morning coat. That is the song in my heart for this morning. In reality it's more like slippers and fiberfill(still stuffing hearts). But every morning I wake up with a different song in my heart and then I listen to it to cement the mood. Lately I've found that the morning really does set the mood for the rest of the day. I've also found that music can soothe even the most savage of beasts. The one in all of us before our morning coffee.
I used to watch a lot of television, but my friend Cheryl doesn't own one(well she owns one it just never gets turned on)and she is the most prolifically and inspiring artist I know. She listens to classical music, I listen to the Black Keys. I just love to embroider to them, high energy but not too overwhelmingly loud(except for El Camino which I listen to in my car). I've also taken to listening to the blues which are also great for embroidering. The most important part of this paragraph and my life is embroidering. In joy. Just embroidering in joy(yes I said that twice to emphasize).
So often we have a list of things to do and people to do for. But we have to find work that we love and ways to keep us working. That is what the world is really all about. We spend more time working then we do anything else, whether it be as normal 9 to 5'ers or say a hand embroidery artist. If I'm not embroidering I am quite sour, my balance is off and my attitude kinda stinks. So in comes some musical inspiration and my world works a little better.
As those who read my blog regularly know the sewing machine is the bane of my existence, so while I was sewing my eleventh heart I hit the metaphorical wall, and on my zune Stop, Stop came on and I just grooved into the falsetto part and finished my sewing. So you see music can even make the most tedious of jobs fun with the right song playing.
So go find some music, find something you love to do and rock your world and combine them. If you are interested in what song the lyrics in the title come from it is Modern Times on Magic Potion by the Black Keys. Lots of great songs! Give it a listen.