All You Need is Love

In the last month I have gone back and forth between heaven and hell.  I really don't know where or how to explain it.  I've met amazing people, I've healed the grief of losing my brother when I was too young to grieve.  I've spilled my guts on my blog especially in writing I'm a Miracle which is the whole story in one place and I feel an inspirational story for those who fret about the one thing missing from their lives. I've discovered wonderful music thanks to some really wonderful friends.  I've realized the unconditional love from my mother and for my son.  And I went a little crazy looking for salvation from a source outside myself.

My friends, family, kindred spirits have all helped me to understand that I was the only one who didn't know how special I was.  They've cared for me, helped me, housed me, listened to me and inspired me.

I've made a decision to devote the next chapter of my life to love.  Love of my son.  Love of my friends and distant family. Love of my dog. Love of embroidery.  Love of the Black Keys in my Zune(I was never so creatively productive in my life). Love of my soul and the universe it lives in.   Love of life.

Find your own version of embroidery and the Black Keys and be inspired to go create something special that only your uniqueness can create.

This piece is called Shiny, Bright Things.  It can be yours through my blog at the moment by emailing me at  It is $45.00.  It looks much more beautiful then the picture.


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