Reverence for Life

This piece is called Reverence for Life which means "to be in awe of the mystery of life".  It is a hand embroidered cross on muslin with french knots, lots of them.

I needed  to embroider a cross and make a lot of french knots  so that I could remember what it is that makes everything else in my world possible.   I have been adrift on the sea of life lately.  And my work  and loved ones have suffered badly for it. It is time for me to take leave of the internet for a while and find my heart and soul again.  To find God, to find art, to find peace, to find love, to find myself.

I'm ready to start a new chapter of my life and if I listen closely to my heart I will once again feel the Reverence for Life this piece is named after.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Nothing is lost, that can not be found....if sought. Happiness is not "out there" somewhere. It is within you...find it IN YOU....
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you once again Anonymous for reminding me that the answers to my questions lie within myself. That is a common theme on my blog but one I had misplaced for a while. My feet are now firmly on the ground and moving forward.

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