Youve Got A Friend

There are times in our life when we realize just how important our friends are and just how much they mean to us.   The past few months have been one of those times for me.  From my current best of the best friends Emily and Cheryl.  To all the beautiful friends who have touched our life from our youth to our middle and all of the new artist friends you meet who you feel a kindred spirit connection.

Every person needs friends.  They may not tell you what you want to hear, they may not want to listen to you incessantly.  But you love them and they love you.  The universe works in mysterious ways and I am just delighted to have shared the journey with all of them.  I hope to continue that journey for quite a long time.

I know my mother is up in heaven singing, You've Got a Friend by the oh so wonderful James Taylor.  The song was out when I was young and I  have a memory of singing it with my cousin LuAnn on the day after New Years when she was a young girl who drank a little too much bubbly out of the grownup's glasses.  That memory makes me smile and makes me remember  just how much I loved her then and how much I love her now.

Blessings on your day.  Give your friends a howdy.   Give your kids a hug and be thankful for every single wonderful friend you have.  A special thank you from me to my soul friends Emily and Cheryl, without you in my life I don't know where I would be today.


Anonymous said…
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Actual Exams said…
Congrats for new friend.

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