Happy Easter

Happy Easter to one and all!

This piece is called Reverence.  It is available on my Etsy Shop.  http://www.etsy.com/shop/DebraAnnSalat

I was going to wait until after Easter to start listing my work on Etsy and then I thought a bit about it and realised there is no better time to get started then the present.  I am ready to walk to the light, leave the past behind and and start over.  Easter  seemed like the perfect time to start that transformation. 

I am so grateful for all the people and angels who have touched my life up until now.  No matter what lesson they taught me good or bad, it was a lesson I needed to learn.  But it is time for me to start my own journey.  I will carry many of the people and lessons along with me but it is time for me to reflect, create and move on.

The past few months have been quite a lesson about what is important in life. How important our families are.  They make us who we are today and have taught us the lessons we needed to know. No matter what happens amongst families there is always love somewhere in the mix.

My friends have just been amazing the last few months or my entire lifetime.  I have a real knack for picking the most wonderful people to be my friends.  I cannot adequately comment on how wonderful and nurturing my friends have been in the last few months.

My art and hand embroidery.  It is through them that I really started to find myself.  I learned how to meditate to embroidery and how to work, really work hard towards my goals.  I found joy and peace and love in expressing myself and in embroidering.  I realise today that it is my saving grace and that if I am not embroidering or making art,  I just am not functioning. Period.

Love.  Without love we are nothing.  We need it to survive the ordinary occurances which leave us breathless and hurt alongside the roadside.  We need it to open our heart and to move forward to a better life. 

Light.  This is the direction I am going.  Both metaphorically and in life, this is my direction.  I can't really carry the burdens of the past anymore so I am giving them up to a higher power and I am giving up the unimportant things that make it so hard to see the important things.

Blessings to you and your family on this most sacred of holiday seasons.  I hope that you find your light and move towards it with peace, joy, love and forgiveness and find yourself hidden in there somewhere.


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