Valley Artisans Market

This lovely sparrow is available at Valley Artisans Market, where I will be tomorrow afternoon if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

I was at a loss really as to what to write today and then I settled on the Valley Artisans Market as it is one of my favorite places in the world to work.  Not just work as a salesperson which is a joy all by itself, but as an artist.

I really have been blessed to be accepted by some of the most talented artists I have ever met along with meeting exceptionally nice people, both artists and customers alike.  It's easy to see why I like being a salesperson there because every time I am there I meet another extraordinary person I would have never met otherwise.  I have met young artists, new artists, established artists, reiki healers,  and others with beautiful souls, including a monk who thankfully did not take a vow of silence as he was a delight to speak with. 

The work and the quaility of the work by all the artists is just extraordinary and I am flattered beyond words that  they thought my work belonged there too.  I just marvel at how beautiful and inspiring everything is from the tiniest greeting card to a beautiful painting I wish was on my wall.  There is something there to catch every person's eye.  I could really go on for days about all the beautiful items there but you will just have to come in and see for yourself.

And finally there is the work of this artist.  There is such a wonderful energy in the building.  Perhaps it is because it is beneath the legendary Hubbard Hall or perhaps it is the residual good energy left by all of us artists that are lucky enough to work there a couple days a month.  But it is so easy to be inspired and be creative I really can't put it into words that would do it justice.  I suppose by now you know I am a rather sensitive type in more ways then one, but the ability to pick up positive energy(along with it's ugly stepsister, negative energy) is a always a blessing when I'm at the market.  It's always a very inspiring positive day there and the idea that I was able to discover my true artistic nature just puts the icing on the cake.

So I guess what I'm saying is sometimes when you least expect it, a fabulous opportunity comes along to follow your bliss, be inspired by others and meet extraordinary people. So if that opportunity should ever come to you, take a leap.  It could just end up being the two greatest days of your month and change your life in the process.  And even better if time permits I'm going back to visit the monastery which brought me such tremendous peace and clarity the last time I was there.

Blessings to you and if you are in the neighborhood please come on in to Valley Artisans Market, even if I'm not there.  You will be so inspired and glad that you came.


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