
This piece is called Flowery Cross, it is framed in a 5x7 black frame and will be available on Etsy.

When it comes right down to it we all have to trust and believe in something.  Do we trust the inner guidance of our souls or do we trust the real world? I believe in the power of a dream and the power of my soul.  I also believe it is possible to both trust the real world and trust our dream world.

Sometimes we have to take a day job to be able to trust our dreams.  I truly believe in living from my soul and from my heart.  I would not have the life I have today did I not believe in things that others don't ordinarily see.  I believe in synchronicity and happenstance and that everything happens for a reason.  If something is destined to happen it's gonna happen eventually, all we have to do is look around in nature to see that.  Flowers don't have to fill out job applications or trust in their dreams they just grow, naturally and freely.  But then flowers don't really have to pay bills either.

So being a lovely tulip today, I looked for a job on line and found 3 possibilities.  If one of those jobs is meant to be it will be and if it's not I'll have to find another 3 jobs that speak to me tomorrow.  I am also writing my blog and as soon as I finish I am off to crochet something lovely I think.  I'm a little stuck in the embroidery part of my mind so I'm trusting myself to do something completely different. 

We don't have to limit ourselves to one dream, although if one really believes in their dreams and they come true that is a miraculous and wonderful thing.  It shows the world  that we can trust and believe in something higher then ourselves.  It is just meant to be.   I have found the most wonderful friends, business associates and myself in this lovely place where I live just by believing in a dream.

It's a miracle that I am here at this moment now writing this blog. It will be a miracle to see what I can create with God's guidance.   But reality also has a place in my head, I'm believing that whatever is God's will has materialized. I took a couple of steps in both directions  and we'll see what happens.  Life is meant to be lived and all of us have to listen to our hearts and our souls and reality.  Believe in your dreams, walk towards them,  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.  Just accept God's plan and move forward.  Blessings.


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