The Katbird Shop

This piece is called the Light With In and it is available at the Katbird Shop, located at 425 Liberty Street in Schenectady, NY.

Cheryl(who I wrote about yesterday), my friend Emily, and Kathy the owner of the Katbird Shop(who is also a friend extraordinaire) are the reasons I am still an artist today.  They believed in me when I didn't really believe in myself.  Kathy gave me a place to put whatever work I wanted out there in the world, out in the world. 

Kathy has the most beautiful collection of work I have ever seen assembled in one place.  Kathy is an artist herself and she has such an eye for beauty and art and her store reflects that gift.  She also has an eye towards the past and has rooms set up for antique treasures too.

Some of my favorite things at the Katbird shop are the beautiful glasswork by my friend Cheryl, the bright and shiny jewelry(I'm not really a jewelry person but if I was), handmade soaps, and bird pottery.  There are gifts and cards to go with them for every occasion.

Kathy is very community minded and supports many of the causes Schenectady has to offer and her cat Roger has run for mayor of Schenectady several times.  He's the purrfect candidate(no I didn't make that up myself,  I have a refrigerator magnet that says that).  He didn't win but Kathy used the opportunity to raise money for charity.

And if by chance you find yourself in Schenectady, The Katbird Shop is located between a new morrocan restaurant named Tara, where the food is just out of this world and Pinhead Susans which is a restaurant that serves pub food, delicious pub food.

There are so many things I love about the Katbird Shop but the thing I love most is that once Kathy has found you she gives you the freedom to be and make whatever you wish and she gives you the right place to sell it.  That is why I am passionate about the Katbird Shop.

Thanks for reading and if you are ever by chance close to Schenectady please stop in and visit The Katbird Shop. The store is open Tuesday thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5 but if you Facebook like her page you will know when she is keeping the store open outside of those hours.


Lynda Lehmann said…
Sounds like you have some good art friends local to you, which is fantastic. The shop sounds great, and I'll be sure to stop and see it if we're ever up that way. I like your flame piece!
bellefrogworks said…
All I can say is I love your work! Just lovely
Tangled Stitch said…
Thank you Lynda and Gina!

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