A Funky Soul Day

This funky soul is Lucinda.  She is currently living at Valley Artisans Market looking for the right man or woman to take her home. She is hand embroidered.

I am the authentically funky soul today.  No earthly delights seem to be working on this funk that goes way down to the soul day.   Perhaps it's the clouds, perhaps it's the temperature, perhaps it's just a day to remember so I can rejoice on a happy soul day.

Funky is a cool word.  You think of Funky Chicken and you smile.You hear a funky tune and it makes you move and if your soul feels in a funk you try to protect yourself a bit.  I fit into that last category so I'm listening to Mozart cos I'm a little too sensitive for words at the moment.

I'm working up at VAM( my favorite place on earth), hand embroidering,(my favorite thing to do) and listening to all kinds of music which usually rocks my world and soothes my savage beastly soul.  But today nothing is really doing it, not even Aretha Franklin.

So I'm gonna spare you the rest of the funkiness and hopefully tomorrow will be a happy soul day.  And if it turns out to be a universally funky day for you too, please comment so I know my funky little soul isn't alone.


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