Good Day Sunshine

Good day sunshines!  Hope everyone who reads this is happy and chipper this morning.  I am happy and chipper.  I have somehow managed to live on planet earth for 53 years without growing up. Today is my 53rd birthday and have much to be thankful for.  First off my son, who made the last 21 years the bomb.  Secondly my family, they have been so wonderful in these past few months(and the rest of my life too, one of the best parts about crashing and burning is being embraced by the people who knew you when you were too young to crash and burn) and then there are the friends.  What can I say I'm blessed!

I am still at a crossroads in my life, as lovely as Whitehall is it is not the destination of my dreams but it could be the destination of anybody with a dream.  There is so much freakin opportunity here it is teeming all over town, maybe teeming the wrong word to use but bursting out is more accurate.

Everywhere you look there is a vacant building waiting to be moved into.  An artist coop(my personal favorite), a book store, a record store, a yoga studio.  Any kind of dream is available here.  I would love to come back here in a couple of years and find all those things and more right here in Whitehall.  But first I have to leave, not quite yet but I'm going to be doing mini roadtrips in every direction and see if there is a dream waiting for me somewhere along the path I'm traveling.  Everywhere you look there is a mountain and I will find them and then come home to sleep.  If and when I can ever get some sleep.  For those who care(and there are a few) I am not sleeping through but sleeping more. 

Obviously this is the piece I'm working on and Good Day Sunshine is a song by Paul McCartney.  I know grammatically this blog post was a slog but whatever.   Have a great day !


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