Leads to my door

Hi All!  Still recovering from the craziness of the last few weeks, slowly finding the DebraAnn beneath all the years of my life.   This pine tree is part of a larger piece which I am working on. The piece is called the Long and Winding Road and my life has certainly been that.  I'm trying some new techniques and being organic about the process of this piece.  Some elements are sketched out and drawn but others are not.  This element was sketched.  The color is kind of grainy I am using my cell phone at the moment to take pictures but this is the bark of the tree.  I'm looking forward to the green.

I'm going this morning to look at a cottage to rent, I am hoping it works out as well as the picture I have in my mind.  The cottage is in Clifton Park on the river and sounds very small and artistic, can't wait to see it.  I also have a feeler about sharing  a house on Lake Champlain which is up a ways but I think that is totally starting over I'm optimistic about both options and a couple more so wish me luck.  I'll let you know how it all works out.

In the meantime I will be working on this piece and the pine tree and I'll share it when finished. I'm going to update Tangled Stitch a couple of times a day because I'm finding it much easier to stitch and update than to come up with witty.  Doing well though so have a great day.. 


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