Robert Redbird

Robert Redbird had a new home before I even got a chance to share him.  I hope he is happy, which I know he is and the lovely lady who took him home smiles every time she sees him.

I'm thinking of hitting the road in a big way so if you know of a craft or art show looking for crafters or artists please email me and let me know.  I'm ready willing and able to do the work needed to find myself a new place to live and a new attitude.  I'm also offering my services as a hand embroidery teacher.  I wish I could teach the whole world how to hand embroider as there is nothing quite as satisfying as looking at a project that you have made with your hands and your heart.  Hand embroidery also has the hidden benefit of making those around you calmer(thanks to the lovely patron in Blue Mountain Lake who told me she read that).  So if you wish to learn, just email me and if there happens to be a craft show that weekend even better.

I will be honest and admit that I am searching at the moment.  I guess that happens when you are in the middle of a big change.  You wake up and realize not only do you not want to stay with the status quo in your relationship but you are not even sure where you might want to plant yourself.  So I'm putting my intention to find a new and fulfilling life doing something I love out in the universe. 

I'll share my travels with my bloggy friends with pictures and anecdotes too.  I'll be kind of the hand embroiderer's Charles Kurault.  Yes I realize it's a bit extreme  but he's quite interesting and hits the road a great deal.  Kind of like a bird, as in Robert Redbird.

Happy trails, I have a weekend garage sale to get ready for and another piece to frame.


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