
This is one of the pieces I am working on at the moment.  It is called Gutted.  

Focus is the theme of this blog post.  With the holidays, divorce and a move on the horizon I am finding it so hard to focus on hand embroidery at the moment.  The ironic part of this is that the more I hand embroider the more I focus.  The more I go out and about the more unfocused I become so the idea of looking for an apartment has been a daunting experience.  It's not world peace and compared to the world at the moment it's very immaterial whether I am focused or unfocused or hand embroidering or not but since my blog has suffered lately I thought I would offer an explanation.

Please check back in the coming days and see more pictures of Gutted and hopefully in a few days or weeks when I am ensconced in my new apartment I will have much more to share about art, hand embroidery and life.  Please have a great holiday season.  Focus on your loved ones and the stuff that you love.  See you soon. 


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