A Girl's Best Friend

One of my favorites.

Charlie was her name, actually it was Charlotte.  She was a beautiful little West Highland Terrier with a heck of a lot of spunk.  From the moment we saw her at Barkingham Palace, a little pet store a hop and a skip from North Shore Animal League she was my dog.  This adorable little white ball of fur who took her blanket from the back of her cage and carried it to the front saying take me I’m yours.  Of course we left the store without her and went to another pet store closer to home where I was less than bedazzled by the adorable little White Highland Terriers there.  So I made Peter go all the way back to Barkingham Palace and get me my dog. She was my 40th birthday present after all.

She was a handful from day one; she barked all the time, cried all the time and was pretty much lovable all the time.  Well maybe not so lovable but she grew on us all even Kelly the cat.  She chased poor Kelly all over the house so much so that we didn’t think too much of it when Kelly started losing weight, it turned out to be diabetes not Charlotte.  But Charlie was fun I’ll give her that much.

My craziest Long Island memory was when Charlie used to escape and run up and down the block giving me and whoever happened to be chasing her with me fits as we lived on a very busy road, the only way to get her back was with White Bread believe it or not.  She would always come running for white bread.  She loved it.

When we moved to Clifton Park, everyone was worried about Charlie in the snow.  Charlie loved the snow up until this morning; she used to rub her skin on the ice and had more fun in the snow than a couple of toddlers.  When we first moved into our house there was two feet of snow and I took her for a walk on the porch, having so much snow I didn’t not realize it was about 3 feet off the ground and proceeded to fall flat on my butt while Charlie ran for the hills, thankfully she ran back (she was a very smart little dog).   But she never lost her love for the snow.

She was my constant companion especially when I was embroidering; she would lie at my side or at my feet and was very content and sleepy when I was embroidering.  She was just the best.  She’s had Cushing’s disease the last few years which meant she was constantly scratching or hyped up super aggressive on prednisone(which meant eating, barking, eating, barking, peeing, pooping, eating, barking) but always in her lovable way.  She was a person wrapped up in a dog costume and I loved her dearly. 

Today I had to say goodbye to my best friend and I didn’t want to let the day go without a tribute to my sweet, sweet Charlotte.  Hug your dogs, they are part of your family and say a prayer for my little Charlie and for Peter and Brian and me.  We will miss her and her lovely little doggie personality the rest of our lives.


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