Tying up Loose Ends

I finished both these pieces over the weekend, the top is a piece for the Valley Artisans Market wheels show and the second is lovely scarf which looks so much better in person.  I have to go take a photography class one of these days.

It seems I am tying up loose ends in my personal life too as my divorce is final and I have to make some decisions in my life.   I still don't really know which end is up but I've  decided to keep on working and hoping that the answers will come. I still haven't really figured out a way to make my dreams come true, but if I don't work towards them they never will.  I've taken some really solid steps in moving forward but no clear direction is taking hold which means I have to kind of leave this one up to God and just keep on taking some sort of action every day.I have to have faith that the answer and some peace of mind will come along sooner or later. 

I'm still in the process of letting go, when you live your entire life being taken care of and taking care of others you really leave yourself at a disadvantage.  I know what others want me to do and I know how to take care of others.  That I know, but how to best take care of myself not so much.  So this blog and my life will be under construction.  Hopefully I can make it interesting. 


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