Re-opening Etsy Shop

This little Bluebird is available at my Etsy Shop. 

Well I'm hoping the second time is a charm.  I'm finally ready to get back to work and to try selling  my art again on Etsy.  It will be a little bit of this and a little bit of that this time around.  I am going to go back to my roots and sell accessories(and maybe something a bit more complicated) for the home and the body and some of the crocheted baby items I was known for in a previous lifetime. I'm also thinking of making patterns of my original designs and offering those up for sale too.   I hope you will check back and see what's happening and that you will check out my Etsy shop.    It's been a bit of a slog and I've got ideas coming out the kazoo and the time to pursue them so it should be interesting.

I've also been writing poetry and my life story but just trying to remember how to write without a filter so may not be sharing my writing for a little while longer. I'm rather fragile about sharing and getting negative feedback which stops me dead in my tracks so I'm just doing what I can while I can.  Thanks for stopping by and for taking a look at the Bluebird of Happiness which is a great way to open my shop the second time around.


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